Hey There,
If you are browsing through this website, then just like us you are parents too !! Cheers Bro, we are sailing in the same boat !
Our life changed when our babies were born, like everyone else we saved a little for our future and planned it well but you know how life is right!! 😜
When little one's are born , just little is not enough!!
Very soon we realised, the amount of things we have to invest in ranging from diaper to sterilizers to carriers , one of us would have to sell a kidney.
Just kidding!
And that was the time , we really started understanding that how the Indian market is just flooded with cheap Chinese goods that really don't fall true to your expectations or overly expensive brands that burn not only a hole in your pocket , but burn the whole damn thing!!
That's when We decided that we need to do something.
Littlebum is our journey of delivering to you baby products for the so called people of India, who definitely want premium quality but at an affordable price !